Students, teachers and external users have free access to the library premises during opening hours.
All the bibliographic heritage owned by the Library can be consulted on site, by anyone, upon presentation of the card issued by the Conservatory to students and staff and or a valid identity document for external users.
The library heritage (music books) and reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, repertoires) as well as the Opera Omnia section are located directly in the reading room.
The request for consultation of other works (printed music, periodicals, rare and valuable material, CDs, DVDs) must be presented to the Library staff after having consulted the:
To access the loan service, you must be registered with the Library Services. The home loan is reserved for teachers, students and internal employees of the Conservatory. External users, subject to regular registration and authorization, can access the loan of books on music, opera librettos and audiovisual material (CD/DVD). For information and communications regarding the loan service, contact
Di seguito vengono elencate le modalità di erogazione del servizio per le varie categorie di utenti, in termini di numero massimo di documenti prestabili e durata massima del prestito.
The loan can be renewed, unless the work is booked by another user.
Delay in repayment involves suspension from the loan service equal to double the delay period.
The Library has book material not available for loan. The following are subject to this limitation: dictionaries, encyclopaedias, manuscripts, books printed prior to 1900, the Opera omnia section, works of particular value and value, works in a poor state of conservation.
"TEMPORARY" loan: it is possible to request a "temporary" loan, with a simplified procedure, of a number of documents not exceeding six, for use within the Institute. Documents on "temporary" loan must be returned as soon as possible and in any case before the daily closure of the Library. In the same way it is also possible to obtain a "temporary" loan of reference works and periodicals (generally excluded from the loan) with the option of proceeding with the possible photocopying of parts and articles, provided that they comply with the laws on ► right of printing and reproduction and as long as no damage is caused to the material borrowed..
"IN THE CLASS" loan: in special cases, the teachers of ensemble music, orchestral exercises and choral exercises, in relation to their particular teaching needs, may keep the borrowed documents in the classroom, under their personal responsibility. The documents will remain in the classroom for the time strictly necessary for the teaching activity and will in any case be made readily available upon every request made by the teacher Librarian, so as to guarantee everyone the right to fair access to information and the use of the public heritage.
A Library employee is available to assist in consulting the paper and online catalogs and to guide the user in using the main Library services. For particular bibliographic needs, it is necessary to make an appointment with the librarian, so as to define the strategy useful for finding the desired information, taking into account the resources available or reachable through the services of the Library.
For communications, bibliographic information or appointments, the librarian, Dr. Silvia Calonghi, can be reached at
Library users can request the supply of copies of documents not present in the Library's assets in compliance with current legislation on ► proprietà intellettuale.
To request the service, contact the librarian, Dr. Silvia Calonghi at
By activating the request, the user undertakes to reimburse any shipping costs claimed by the supplier library.
The interlibrary loan request service allows you to find works owned by other libraries and is reserved for institutional users of the library. The request must be made using the appropriate form. The costs incurred are borne by the user.
To request the service, contact the librarian, Dr. Silvia Calonghi, at
It is possible to request digital photographic reproductions for study purposes or for editorial purposes of manuscripts and/or printed editions of the historical fonds conserved in the Library of the "Paolo Rigoli" Conservatory of Music in Verona. The request must be sent by e-mail to or presented directly to library staff. All reproductions are subject to applicable laws on ► copyright.
The service is paid and the rates are established by the Consiglio di Amminstrazione of the Conservatory (resolution CdA. n. 2014.010, 23.11.2014).
Conservatory teachers can propose the purchase of works not owned by the Library using the appropriate form. Before submitting a request, make sure that the books are not in our Library's possession by consulting the paper and online catalogues. Requests will be evaluated by the Head of Bibliographic Acquisitions and processed compatibly with the financial resources and purposes of the Library.
In 2016, 1181 loans and 2770 on-site consultations were carried out.
Overall, in 2016, there were 3,951 transactions with a loan/consultation service operator.
The Conservatory Library offers university students the possibility of carrying out a curricular internship for the degree courses that provide for it. At the moment the Conservatory has already activated a special agreement with the Universities of Verona, Bologna and Trento. Additional Conventions may be implemented. For information contact the librarian, Dr. Silvia Calonghi, at