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OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) it can be consulted by querying the collective catalog of the libraries of the Municipality of Verona, Veronese Bibliographic Archive. The library has been a member of the ABV since 2014. From this date, books and printed music acquired by the library are cataloged online and the recovery of the library's documentary heritage has begun. Currently the OPAC contains over 6,000 bibliographic entries that are growing day by day. All the books in the Reference Room (excluding the catalogues/encyclopaedias section) are already present in the OPAC.

Consult the  lista aggiornata delle sezioni di cui è stato completato il riversamento.

Until the completion of the ABV cataloging it is necessary to consult the paper catalog of the library, available to the public in the atrium in front of the library. In the consultation room there are two workstations for querying the electronic catalogs and for bibliographic searches on the internet.

► News in OPAC

You can see the titles (books/printed music) entered in the OPAC in the last 30 days by consulting the "News" page of the Conservatory Library in ABV. The news includes recent purchases and previous volumes that we pour into the catalogue. The order in which the titles appear is a combination of the date published and the date posted.

Guide to OPAC ABV


Paper catalogue

The paper catalogs alphabetically by author/title and by staff contain the records of the material accessed by the library from 1957 to 2002.
Since 2003 the implementation of the paper catalog has ceased.
In this transitional phase, users are kindly requested to conduct a bibliographic search in both the traditional paper and electronic catalogues.

Catalogue CD/DVD

The ► on-line catalogue (access as a guest user) is partial but continuously being implemented.
At the moment more than 1000 CDs are filed.

Thesis archive

Theses deposited in the Library are excluded from the loan. They can be consulted on site after completing the appropriate form to be requested from the staff. The theses of the Academic Biennium of Specialization in Music Therapy are deposited at the Department of Music Therapy. For the consultation it is necessary to make an appointment with the teacher Prof. Paolo Caneva (
On the ► page of the Two-year course in Music Therapy, subsection Two-year Academic Specialization course, the summary and abstracts of the theses are published.

Other catalogues and metaopac

Ricerca simultanea su più cataloghi nazionali e internazionali

► MOV – Catalogo delle biblioteche veronesi
Ricerca nei seguenti cataloghi: Catalogo collettivo dell'Università di Verona, Archivio bibliografico veronese, Sistema bibliotecario della Provincia di Verona

Ricerca in tutte le biblioteche che aderiscono del Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale

► ACNP  - Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici
Ricerca i periodici italiani e stranieri posseduti dalle biblioteche che aderiscono ad ACNP

► Catalogo nazionale dei manoscritti musicali
Catalogo a schede dei manoscritti musicali redatti fino al 1900 conservati in biblioteche italiane

Consentono la ricerca simultanea su più cataloghi.

► MAI - Metaopac Azalai Italiano (OPAC italiani)
Ricerca in biblioteche e cataloghi collettivi italiani

► KVK - Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (cataloghi internazionali)
Ricerca in biblioteche e cataloghi collettivi nel mondo

► WorldCat (rete bibliotecaria internazionale OCLC)
Ricerca in biblioteche e cataloghi collettivi nel mondo