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Progetti internazionali (progetti didattici e artistici, giornate sull'internazionalizzazione)
Informazioni utili



Equivalent Qualification Framework (EQF)
The qualification framework defines and links the levels and credit values of different qualifications.

Please see ► this page

All EU-citizens can directly apply to our study courses in April-May of each year following the instruction that will be give through our web-site. Exams are to be taken in June (specific calendar will be published on due time). Lessons are provided in Italian language, that's for during the admission exam, an Italian language exam will have to be taken by the candidate.
Once admitted to the courses and after the enrolment, the EU-citizens have to register themselves as residents in the ► General Register Office (Anagrafe del Comune) (DL 06/02/07 n. 30).
You can apply to:

Corso propedeutico (preparatory/fundation course)
The course aims to prepare the students for the academic course focusing on the instrument and choir practice and solfegè learning. Chamber music, orchestra, history of music, harmony, history of musical theatre classes are provided to advanced students.
Admission exam is compulsory (see this link)

Triennio Accademico di I livello  - Ist cycle degree - EQF 6
Students with a school leaving certificate can apply to this cycle (minimum requirements). It's necessary to deliver a declaration called "Dichiarazione di valore in loco" that certifies the minimum education requirements are fulfilled. This document is issued by the Italian embassy in the country of origin.
Other academic diplomas can be recognized if accompanied by a Diploma Supplement. In all other cases "Dicharazione di valore in loco" is compulsory.
Admission exam's programs can be viewed in each instrument's dedicated ► web-page

Biennio Accademico di II livello - IInd cycle degree - EQF 7
1st cycle degree or equivalent degree is necessary to apply.
It's necessary to deliver a declaration called "Dichiarazione di valore in loco" that certifies the minimum education requirements are fulfilled. This document is issued by the Italian embassy in the country of origin.
Academic diplomas can be recognized if accompanied by a Diploma Supplement. In all other cases "Dichiarazione di valore in loco" is compulsory.
Admission exam's programs can be viewed in each instrument's dedicated ► web-page


See also: ► admission page


All international students applying for a visa will be able to pre-enroll at universities between May and July of each year, through the ► Universitaly portal (area: AFAM).
The admission exams will take place at the beginning of September in a distance modality. Study visa will be asked for admitted candidates only.
General rules: see link

The same procedure through Universitaly will be used for the students of the Turandot project between May and November of each year through the ► Universitaly portal (area: AFAM)
General rules: see link

Italian language requirement: B2

Qualification requirements: the application will be provisionally accepted as the issue of “dichiarazione di valore in loco” is compulsory for enrolling once the applicant has passed the admission exam. Please ask to the local Italian embassies for the issue of such a document.

Reserved allotment: to be decided.

Admission exams will be fixed following M.U.R.'s instructions (Ministry of University and Reseach).

For "Triennio Accademico di I livello  - Ist cycle degree - EQF 6" admission program, see ► this page

For "Biennio Accademico di II livello - IInd cycle degree - EQF 7" admission program, see ► this page


Lessons are provided in Italian language, that's for during the admission exam, an Italian language exam will have to be taken, unless specific certification is produced by the candidate.

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30 nov 2024

Vespri in Cattedrale - VI edizione

30 novembre - 21 dicembre 2024 Cattedrale di Verona
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Musica d'autunno 2024

da martedì 19 novembre a giovedì 12 dicembre 2024 Auditorium Nuovo Montemezzi
15 nov 2024

Concerto sinfonico

venerdì 15 novembre 2024 - ore 20:00 Teatro Ristori

News Didattiche

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16 nov 2024

Giornata della Musicoterapia

sabato 16 novembre 2024 Auditorium Nuovo Montemezzi

Conservatorio di Verona "Evaristo Felice Dall'Abaco"

Via Abramo Massalongo, 2 - Verona
Tel. 045 8002814 / 045 8009133

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